
Authorised and Regulated: FCA UK / GLOBAL

Adrian Iscru

October 30, 2019
3 Simple Moving Average Strategies for Day Trading

3 Simple Moving Average Strategies for Day Trading

Moving averages (MA) are a popular technical analysis tool that helps smooth out price movements by averaging price fluctuations into a single line. Although a lagging […]
October 30, 2019
Understanding the Hammer Candlestick Pattern

Understanding the Hammer Candlestick Pattern

Hammer Candlestick pattern are among the most versatile technical indicators for understanding market movements. We analyse them here.
October 30, 2019
Is There a Link Between Crude Oil Price and Gas Price?

Is There a Link Between Crude Oil Price and Gas Price?

Gasoline is one of the many by-products derived from crude oil, so the price of crude oil is likely to have a significant impact on its […]
October 30, 2019
President Trump Considers De-Listing Chinese Companies from US Exchanges

Trump Considers De-Listing Chinese Companies

On September 27, 2019, the markets fell in response to the latest developments in the negotiations between the US and China. The S&P 500 declined 0.5%, […]
October 30, 2019
Guide to Using Technical Analysis to Trade the Trend

Guide to Using Technical Analysis to Trade the Trend

Trend trading is a popular strategies employed by traders to understand and manoeuvre the financial markets.
October 30, 2019
How has the US Economy Fared under President Trump?

The US Economy under President Trump

Is the US economy still the envy of the world, as President Trump claims? In the recently held 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, […]
October 30, 2019
Bank of England Signals Towards Interest Rate Cut: Hard Brexit or Not

Bank of England signals an Interest Rate Cut

The Bank of England (BoE) is keenly awaiting developments and, like thousands of UK citizens, seems to be on the Brexit holding pattern for the deadline […]
October 30, 2019
Is Ripple Truly a Cryptocurrency?

Is Ripple Truly a Cryptocurrency?

While Ripple is considered a cryptocurrency, it is actually a blockchain network, which owns a cryptocurrency, called XRP.
October 30, 2019
5 Forex Trading Myths Every Trader Should Know

5 Forex Trading Myths Every Trader Should Know

Forex Trading myths can pique interest in the currency markets. The problems is that they can also lead to poor trading decisions.
October 30, 2019
What is Black Swan in the Financial Markets?

What is Black Swan in the Financial Markets?

The Black Swan theory is a metaphor for highly unexpected events in the financial markets, which have long-term consequences.
October 24, 2019

Changes in Trading Hours Due to UK DST from Sunday, 27 Oct 2019

Please be aware that due to changes in UK daylight saving time, we would like to highlight the changes in the trading hours as follows: Effective […]
October 17, 2019

Volatility is Expected Due to Extraordinary UK Parliament Sitting

Please be informed that a special UK parliamentary session will take place this Saturday, 19 October 2019, where a vote may be held on any Brexit […]
October 17, 2019
Understanding the Martingale Forex Strategy

Understanding the Martingale Forex Strategy

The Martingale Strategy of investing is based on increasing position sizes, while lowering the size of the portfolio.
October 17, 2019
China Plans to Launch its Central Bank Cryptocurrency

China Plans to Launch its Central Bank Cryptocurrency

What would happen if we were to combine the best of cryptocurrency technology with qualities of an established fiat currency, with the approval of a central […]
October 17, 2019
Understanding Forex Market Liquidity

Understanding Forex Market Liquidity

Forex market liquidity is an essential requisite for successful trading. High liquidity allows easy flow of transactions and competitive pricing.
October 17, 2019
Know about the Tweezer Candlestick Formation

Know about the Tweezer Candlestick Pattern

Tweezer Candlestick Patterns are useful technical analysis tools, which can help traders predict specific market movements.
October 10, 2019
Boris Johnson - Brexit Danger Pound - Blackwell Global - Forex Broker

How a Boris Johnson Brexit Spells Danger for the Pound

Since Boris Johnson became Prime Minister in 2019, investors around the world started to weigh in the risks of a chaotic Brexit conclusion. Johnson has categorically […]
October 10, 2019
The First Terms You Should Know in Forex Trading

The First Terms You Should Know in Forex Trading

Here’s a look at some of the most common Forex trading terms you are likely to encounter in the forex markets.
October 10, 2019
Gold is Trading at Record Highs: What’s Causing This?

Gold is Trading at Record Highs: What’s Causing This?

Amidst ongoing global trade tensions and recessionary fears, gold is trading at record highs. Discover why.
October 10, 2019
Trading Behaviours That Sabotage Profit Potential

Trading Behaviours That Sabotage Profit Potential

There is significant data that reveals a high correlation between an investor’s psychological traits and their investment decisions. Behavioural finance studies the effect of mental biases […]