
Authorised and Regulated: FCA UK / GLOBAL

Adrian Iscru

May 29, 2018

Hedging Using Gold or Cryptos

Gold has been a highly popular tool for hedging against investments in currencies, commodities and other financial instruments. Hedging allows investors to offset losses in an […]
May 29, 2018

Product in the Spotlight: Dash vs Bitcoin

Dash has gained much popularity, even over Bitcoin, because it not only values privacy more than the latter, but also allows instant transactions, with much lower […]
May 29, 2018

Hardware vs Software Wallet

Crypto wallets are used to store, send and receive popular digital currencies such as bitcoin. Most coins have a wallet of their own or a recommended […]
May 29, 2018

Product in the Spotlight: Bitcoin Trading

What was once associated with nerds, libertarians and even drug dealers is now a trillion dollar currency. Bitcoin – the cryptocurrency which started the whole digital […]
May 29, 2018

Decentralised vs Centralised

Cryptocurrencies have grown in popularity with ICOs popping up left, right and centre but what makes these digital tokens so attractive? Well, it’s largely due to […]
May 29, 2018

DDoS and Crypto: What are the Risks?

Apart from being crypto exchanges, what else is common between Poloniex, Kraken, Coinsecure, BTC-E and Bitfinex? They’ve all suffered DDoS attacks. DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks are […]
May 29, 2018

Crypto Correlation Coefficient Strategy

The world of digital currencies, which started with the introduction of Bitcoin, is now flooded with more than a thousand different cryptocurrencies. While the base of […]
May 29, 2018

Product in the Spotlight: Bitcoin USD

By the end of 2017, Bitcoin was shadowing the mighty US dollar. It was seen that as the value of US dollar surged in relation to […]
May 29, 2018

Cybersecurity and Cryptocurrencies: Are They Aligned?

Crypto mining malware and cryptojacking are new concepts that could prove to be hurdles to the growth and acceptance of cryptocurrencies. While the concept of digital […]
May 29, 2018

Crypto Event Calendar 2018

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have taken the world by storm and are considered to be one of the most significant tech innovations in recent years. Investors […]
May 29, 2018

Correlation Crypto Strategy: Ripple vs Ethereum

Cryptocurrencies have taken the world by storm, not only for their unique blockchain technology but also the massive volatility in their values. Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency […]
May 29, 2018

Product in the Spotlight: Bitcoin Pound

Bitcoin and the Great British Pound (GBP) have shown very little or inverse correlation in the past. But with Brexit negotiations underway, the future is uncertain […]
May 29, 2018

Product in the Spotlight: Bitcoin Euro

Dubbed the ‘Single Currency’ at conception, the euro has been around since 2002. Its creation mechanisms are similar to that of any other fiat currency, including […]
May 29, 2018

The Four Planned Stages of the Ethereum Development Roadmap

Ethereum is a decentralised platform that runs smart contracts, which are applications that run according to their own programme, without any kind of downtime, censorship, fraud […]
May 29, 2018

How Does the ASIC Miner Work?

Mining to generate new crypto tokens requires a lot of energy and manpower – but things are evolving. Central Processing Units (CPUs) which consume a lot […]
May 29, 2018

What is a 51% Attack?

Bitcoin lovers have largely been attracted to the cryptocurrency’s open source network and distributed ledger system. But recent instances of smaller cryptocurrency networks being taken over […]
May 15, 2018

The Danger Zone

May 9, 2018

Top 5 Tips When Trading Ethereum

While bitcoin went from $1,000 in January 2017 to $19,000 in December 2017, ether’s performance through the year was far more impressive. The second largest cryptocurrency […]
May 8, 2018

Steps to Take to Secure Your Crypto Holdings

When it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies, taking steps to secure your holdings is of paramount importance – especially as many tokens have the potential to […]
May 8, 2018

What is the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance?

You’ve probably heard of ethereum with regards to crypto trading – but have you heard of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance? Sure, it sounds like something from […]