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Technical Indicators

November 10, 2017

Range Bars vs Renko Charts

Forex trading with the help of candlestick, line and bar charts that are time based is fairly common. While all these charts are drawn on an […]
November 10, 2017

How do Island Reversal Patterns work?

While it may sound like the end of your holiday in the sun, an Island Reversal, is in fact not such a depressing thought. It is […]
November 10, 2017

Head and Shoulder Patterns

Recognising certain charting patterns as they are forming can be exhilarating and leave you holding your breathe as you anticipate the completion of the pattern. No […]
November 10, 2017

Trading Flag Patterns

Continuation patterns or patterns reflecting the continuation of a trend are a category of technical tools used by traders to make successful forex trading decisions. These […]
November 10, 2017

Diamond Bottoms and Tops

Successful forex trades require the use of trading strategies that are based on signals or indicators that are proven and tested. Reversal indicators play a crucial […]
October 16, 2017

Gapping in the Market

A “gap” in the market is the price movement of an asset, including a currency, stock, commodity, etc., during a period when no trading has occurred. […]