Automated trading with the help of inbuilt indicators in online trading platforms has made to process of forex trading easier, not only saving a lot of […]
Trading in forex requires understanding the markets, factors driving it and the indicators that can help identify opportunities. Every trader needs to find a strategy that […]
Day traders need to study their charts carefully to identify indicators and patterns that can aid them in making successful trading decisions. Identifying a trend, its […]
The Aussie or Loonie Pair is referred to as a commodity cross, since it moves on two different commodity based currencies, the Australian dollar (AUD) and […]
Precious metals, Gold and Silver, have very different and distinct investment characteristics. Gold, as a metal, has few industrial uses, and is mainly a monetary asset. […]
The Darvas Box forex indicator is a trading strategy named after its inventor, Nicholas Darvas, who was by profession a ballroom dancer. The ideology is simple; […]
Did you know that nearly 30% of all forex transactions take place in the London trading session? Although several other European forex markets open along with […]
A forex trading strategy implemented over a longer time frame and involving trades aimed at taking advantage of the interest rate differential between two currencies is […]
All markets, especially the currency markets, respond quickly to economic news, not only of a specific country but from all across the world. With a large […]
The one thing that occupies the maximum mind-space of a trader is trying to make more and more accurate predictions of future price movements. Although price […]
There’s a great quote accredited to Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tsu “Knoweldge is the treasure, but practice is the key to it”. As any experienced trader will tell […]
In an era when artificial intelligence is increasingly finding favour in many fields, forex trading is also showing keen interest in the concept of neural networks. […]
Arbitrage, as you probably already know, is the simultaneous buying and selling of a currency to profit from the differences in prices or market inefficiencies. Several […]
Just when you thought you’d heard every crazy name in the forex trading industry, along comes ‘synthetic’ and all you can visualize is rolls of rayon […]